Trauma and the Fool's Spring

In North Carolina, we have what’s called a “Fool’s Spring”: a season when the weather begins to warm, daffodil leaves poke up in the corners of yards, ever-hopeful North Carolinians* start to pull out our light sweatshirts and tee shirts…and then “Second Winter” arrives, and with it another two months of scarves and snow boots. All of the wardrobe changes we’ve been experiencing lately have got me thinking about the different kinds of protective layers we wear, not just in the winter, but all year long.

During painful times in our lives, we often turn inward, bundling up in protective layers as a means of staying safe. But as the seasons of our lives change and the snow begins to melt, those heavy layers of clothing that kept us so toasty and safe in the freezing winter months can become stuffy and constricting. What was once protective cushioning turns into a barrier blocking us from achieving deep intimacy and connection. It’s hard to feel the warmth of someone else’s touch through thick winter mittens, or enjoy the sound of a child’s singing through a pair of fuzzy mufflers. 

Shedding those unseasonable layers may seem hard, at times even impossible. After all, your protective strategies had a valuable purpose once. Maybe you learned that during times of conflict it was safer to stay quiet, or to withdraw. Perhaps you were in a home situation where there were consequences to having confidence, and every time you tried to set a boundary it was just a waste of breath - or worse. It may feel like a huge risk to walk away from those old protective parts, especially when you’re fearful that this period of safety might be just a Fool’s Spring.

But what if it’s not?

Do you want winter clothes to be your only option? Falling back into old ways of coping will always be an option for you. But that’s all it should be: AN option. Not THE option.

You’re here, venturing out, taking this risk, because some buried wisdom in you longs to emerge and bask in the sun. You deserve the lightness that comes with shedding old layers and breaking out of unhealthy patterns. You deserve to feel the joy and warmth of spring.

Don’t wait until July for your North Carolina spring. Call for a free phone consultation today, and continue on your path of wisdom and freedom.

*bless our hearts